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					<?php if (isset($CAddress) && !empty($CAddress)):?>
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							<a href="<?= $CLink ?>" target="_blank">
								<?= svg('iconLocation6', '') ?>
								<?= $CAddress ?>
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								<?= svg('iconLocation6', '') ?>
								<?= $CAddress ?>
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						<a href="tel:<?= $CPhone ?>">
							<?= svg('iconTel', '') ?>
							<?= $CPhone ?>
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					<p class="name"><a href="#">Everything You Need to Know About BUYING TURF WHOLESALE</a></p>
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						<p>No more hassle, commercial lawn maintenance, or heavy costs with Turf Inc. Read on for everything you need to know about commercial artificial turf. Spend your time playing golf, instead of having to care for your grass</p>
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					<p>Web Development by <a href="" target="_blank">Xi Digital</a></p>
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