RWD Table

Number Date Shipping Address Total Status View
3412 January 10, 2021 123 Main Street, Toronto, M2R 3V1, ON $150 New Order
3411 February 2, 2021 1234 Main Street, Toronto, M2R 3V8, ON $250 Shipping

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		<th scope="col">Number</th>
		<th scope="col">Date</th>
		<th scope="col">Shipping Address</th>
		<th scope="col">Total</th>
		<th scope="col">Status</th>
		<th scope="col">View</th>
		<td data-label="Number:">3412</td>
		<td data-label="Date:">January 10, 2021</td>
		<td data-label="Shipping Address:">123 Main Street, Toronto, M2R 3V1, ON</td>
		<td data-label="Total:">$150</td>
		<td data-label="Status:">New Order</td>
		<td data-label="View:">
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				<?= svg('iconEye', 'view_order')?>
		<td data-label="Number:">3411</td>
		<td data-label="Date:">February 2, 2021</td>
		<td data-label="Shipping Address:">1234 Main Street, Toronto, M2R 3V8, ON</td>
		<td data-label="Total:">$250</td>
		<td data-label="Status:">Shipping</td>
		<td data-label="View:">
			<a href="#" target="_blank">
				<?= svg('iconEye', 'view_order')?>
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