
Hayward Aquavac 600 robotic pool cleaner with caddy


Robotic pool cleaner featuring Easy Lift System, motion-sensing handheld remote, dirty canister indicator, and Vortex Vacuum technology.

The P955 4WD tackles any pool terrain, climbs steps and walls, and scrubs tile line with a solid-blade scrubbing brush. One of the distinct advantages of P955 Sport is the smart 7-day programmable timer, with fully customizable cleaning cycles that allows pool owners to set it and forget it. With just a simple setting, you can clean the pool as frequently as you like and enjoy a pleasant, healthy pool all the time. In addition, the intuitive motion sensing remote puts the cleaning control in the palm of your hand. Just point and direct the P955 to any desired location in the pool and you will never miss a spot. It also features a dirty canister indicator.

The P955 cleans pools up to 60' in length. It includes a premium, compact transport caddy that can be assembled in just minutes without using any tools. Model is backed by a 2 year limited warranty.


  • Motion-Sensing Remote - Responsive cleaning control in the palm of your hand.
  • Easy Lift System - With the touch of a button the P955 surfaces to a desired location and waits for you to grab it, then automatically evacuates water for effortless removal from the pool.
  • Dirty Canister Indicator - No more guess work. Know immediately when it's time to empty the filter canister.
  • Vortex Vacuum Technology - Keeps debris suspended for long-lasting suction and superior cleaning performance.
  • Easy Clean Filter Canister - debris can easily be emptied with a simple shake and spray convenience.
  • 7-day programmable timer - fully customizable set it and forget it cleaning modes.
  • ActivMotion Sensor® - automatically controls robot's position at all times, allowing complete cleaning coverage without any hang ups.
  • 4-Wheel Drive Technology - Cleans pool floor, walls, and scrubs tile line with pleated scrubbing brush.
  • Waterline Only Cleaning Cycle - for isolated tile line scrubbing.

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					<h1>Hayward Aquavac 600 robotic pool cleaner with caddy</h1>
					<div class="prices_block">
						<span class="price">$1449.00</span>
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							<li class="product_tab_list_item" data-tab="tab_2"><a href="#">DESCRIPTION</a></li>
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						<div class="product_tabs_content active" id="tab_1">
							<p>Robotic pool cleaner featuring Easy Lift
								System, motion-sensing handheld remote, dirty canister indicator, and Vortex Vacuum
							<p>The P955 4WD tackles any pool terrain, climbs steps and walls, and scrubs tile line
								with a solid-blade scrubbing brush. One of the distinct advantages of P955 Sport is
								the smart 7-day programmable timer, with fully customizable cleaning cycles that
								allows pool owners to set it and forget it. With just a simple setting, you can
								clean the pool as frequently as you like and enjoy a pleasant, healthy pool all the
								time. In addition, the intuitive motion sensing remote puts the cleaning control in
								the palm of your hand. Just point and direct the P955 to any desired location in the
								pool and you will never miss a spot. It also features a dirty canister
							<p>The P955 cleans pools up to 60' in length. It includes a premium, compact transport
								caddy that can be assembled in just minutes without using any tools. Model is backed
								by a 2 year limited warranty.</p></div>
						<div class="product_tabs_content" id="tab_2">
								<li><strong>Motion-Sensing Remote</strong> - Responsive cleaning control in the
									palm of your hand.
								<li><strong>Easy Lift System</strong> - With the touch of a button the P955
									surfaces to a desired location and waits for you to grab it, then automatically
									evacuates water for effortless removal from the pool.
								<li><strong>Dirty Canister Indicator</strong> - No more guess work. Know
									immediately when it's time to empty the filter canister.
								<li><strong>Vortex Vacuum Technology</strong> - Keeps debris suspended for
									long-lasting suction and superior cleaning performance.
								<li><strong>Easy Clean Filter Canister</strong> - debris can easily be emptied
									with a simple shake and spray convenience.
								<li><strong>7-day programmable timer</strong> - fully customizable set it and
									forget it cleaning modes.
								<li><strong>ActivMotion Sensor<sup>®</sup></strong> - automatically controls
									robot's position at all times, allowing complete cleaning coverage without any
									hang ups.
								<li><strong>4-Wheel Drive Technology</strong> - Cleans pool floor, walls, and
									scrubs tile line with pleated scrubbing brush.
								<li><strong>Waterline Only Cleaning Cycle</strong> - for isolated tile line
						<div class="product_tabs_content" id="tab_3">
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								<h3>Write Your Own Review</h3>
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