Reviews Slider 2 Items

What People Say

Beautiful Lawn For Picky Purchasers

I was very impressed with the work Lazy Lawn did. They were very professional and after the job was done my lawn looked better than ever.

I was very impressed with the work Lazy Lawn did. They were very professional and after the job was done my lawn looked better than ever.


Beautiful Lawn For Picky Purchasers

I am extremely satisfied and proud of the work that Lazy Lawn did in my yard. It's made me feel great about going in my yard again - a world of difference. I can't say enough about the professionalism and quality of this company. I am extremely satisfied and proud of the work that Lazy Lawn did in my yard. It's made me feel great about going in my yard again - a world of difference. I can't say enough about the professionalism and quality of this company. I am extremely satisfied and proud of the work that Lazy Lawn did in my yard. It's made me feel great about going in my yard again - a world of difference. I can't say enough about the professionalism and quality of this company

Dave B.

Beautiful Lawn For Picky Purchasers

Bran and the Lazy Lawn team did an exceptional job in our backyard. The project was postponed do to rain a few times, but my wife and I couldn't be happy with the final outcome. Would highly recommend this company.


Beautiful Lawn For Picky Purchasers

We love the lawn. Bran worked hard to make sure that we were happy. There were some problems initially, but he was dedicated to the job and ensured that the lawn met our expectations


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		array('name' => 'Susanne', 'subtitle' => 'Beautiful Lawn For Picky Purchasers' , 'value' => '<p>I was very impressed with the work Lazy Lawn did. They were very professional and after the job was done my lawn looked better than ever.</p><p>I was very impressed with the work Lazy Lawn did. They were very professional and after the job was done my lawn looked better than ever.</p>'),
		array('name' => 'Dave B.', 'subtitle' => 'Beautiful Lawn For Picky Purchasers' , 'value' => '<p>I am extremely satisfied and proud of the work that Lazy Lawn did in my yard. It\'s made me feel great about going in my yard again - a world of difference. I can\'t say enough about the professionalism and quality of this company. I am extremely satisfied and proud of the work that Lazy Lawn did in my yard. It\'s made me feel great about going in my yard again - a world of difference. I can\'t say enough about the professionalism and quality of this company. I am extremely satisfied and proud of the work that Lazy Lawn did in my yard. It\'s made me feel great about going in my yard again - a world of difference. I can\'t say enough about the professionalism and quality of this company</p>'),
		array('name' => 'Feng', 'subtitle' => 'Beautiful Lawn For Picky Purchasers' , 'value' => '<p>Bran and the Lazy Lawn team did an exceptional job in our backyard. The project was postponed do to rain a few times, but my wife and I couldn\'t be happy with the final outcome. Would highly recommend this company.</p>'),
		array('name' => 'Chris', 'subtitle' => 'Beautiful Lawn For Picky Purchasers' , 'value' => '<p>We love the lawn. Bran worked hard to make sure that we were happy. There were some problems initially, but he was dedicated to the job and ensured that the lawn met our expectations</p>')
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